Beauty is pain but what happens when it’s the literal type of pain? Curling iron burns are very painful and can cause long-term damage and scarring to your skin without the proper care. Regardless if you’re experienced with using them or if it’s your first time, burns are quite common. In the event that you end up with unfortunate curling iron burns, here are some tips and procedures to treat it.
Use a Cold Compress
Immediately after a burn, cool it down with a cold compress in order to stop it from getting worse. Do not apply ice directly to the burn because that can make it worse and freeze the skin. If you don’t have a cold compress, a cold towel can also work.
After cooling it down, try to identify how bad the burn is. Most curling iron burns are first-degree and can be treated at home. However, if you think you have a second or third-degree burn, you must seek medical attention as soon as possible! Warning signs can including blistering, discharge, or discoloring.
Protect the Burn and Stay Moisturized
Gently wash the burn with cool water and apply an antibiotic ointment or topical steroid. This will reduce inflammation and aid in the healing process. Whatever you do, try not to touch or peel the burned area and avoid using makeup until the scab has healed. Otherwise, it will become irritated and potentially lead to infection.
Using thick healing ointments such as petroleum jelly-based products will keep the area moisturized and speed up the healing process. If you want to further prevent scarring and the risk of discoloration, reduce sun exposure and keep it covered or use sunscreen whenever you go out. The aloe vera plant is also very effective in healing first-degree burns and is anti-inflammatory. If you’re using store bought aloe vera products, make sure they do not have any additives.
We hope these tips will help you if you ever have an accident with a curling iron. Always remember that burned skin is very sensitive and should be treated with the utmost care. Don’t hesitate to seek out professional help if you notice your burns getting worse.
Beauty Studio Inc Mobile Hair and Makeup is Las Vegas based and specializes in everything beauty related including hair styling, makeup, photography, and more. Visit our website to learn more about our services.
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