Beauty Studio Inc.

Las Vegas Mobile Hair & Makeup

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Fall Skin Care Simplified!

After a fun summer full of parties, vacations, and basking in the sun, the fall season is upon us. Autumn’s cooler weather and gorgeous, colorful foliage is such a welcoming experience, one cannot help but fall in love with them. As we switch out our clothes from hot summers to cool autumns, our skin care also needs to change with respect to the changing weather. Following are some of the changes you need to make in your skincare routine for glowing and healthy skin this fall season.

Related: The Most Affordable Skin Care Tools and Devices

Switch to a hydrating cleanser.

Light cleansers in the summer were doing a thorough job of keeping your skin fresh but fall demands an extensive balancing cleaner that can hydrate your skin and not strip you off the essential moisture. Use water-based products instead of oil-based ones in the fall for a youthful glow. In search of the perfect hydrating cleanser, you can choose from a variety of cleansing milks and gels.

Go easy on the exfoliating.

We understand how tempting it is to go scrubbing when you see a dry spot. Well, this habit has to go for the fall season. With the dry air and lack of humidity, exfoliating can cause more dryness and itching. Fall is a great time to start using those stronger AHAs and BHAs. If you still feel the need to exfoliate your skin, use a gentle exfoliating toner twice or three times a week.

Start applying hyaluronic acid and vitamin C serum.

Hyaluronic acid is humectant by nature. It will help preserve moisture in the skin, keeping its elasticity and preventing dryness in the fall. Vitamin C serum will provide protection against free radicals and brighten up the skin tone by fading any dark spots and marks. Using both of the products can act as an ultimate fall skincare hack for you.

Click here to read more about effective fall skincare.


Your skin deserves all the care and love it can get in this season. Finding time for extensive skin care can be quite difficult for a lot of people. Beauty Studio Inc Mobile Hair and Makeup is a professional beauty salon that offers multiple services like hairstyling, makeup application, spray tanning, and even photography for personal or corporate events. Our studio is located in Las Vegas, NV and we also have locations in Charlotte, Phoenix/Scottsdale, Nashville, Reno/Tahoe, Dallas, Houston, and Austin. Check out our website or give us a call at (725) 735-5046 to schedule an appointment with us.

Simple Tips for Your Thanksgiving Makeup

When it comes to holidays in the United States, Thanksgiving is the most popular and marketed holiday, with Christmas being the second. It’s also accurate that the general public is busy preparing delicious meals for friends and family around this time of year. However, Thanksgiving is undoubtedly the best time to wear joyful and colorful makeup. Here are a few tips to follow for your Thanksgiving makeup look!

Prepare Your Skin before Thanksgiving Day

During the fall season, we may experience the coldest months of the year. Unfortunately, harsh winter winds and dry indoor heat can create clogged pores, dull skin, and other impurities. Before applying makeup and covering your skin with a foundation and concealer, it is essential to add moisturizer to your beauty routine to hydrate and revitalize your skin.

Related: learn more about how you can winter-proof your skin here.

Holiday Makeup: Choosing Your Eye Shadow and Lip Product

One of the freedoms of makeup is that you can choose to put emphasis on your eyes or lips. At Thanksgiving, everything is allowed in terms of makeup, so why not spend your time on it?

To do this, you can get started your Thanksgiving makeup by creating a base. For example, if you want to apply makeup to your eyes, opt for a black eyeliner before a smoky shadow to structure your look. In addition, before applying a lipstick or gloss, you can use a lip liner to give more shape your lips.

Go All The Way Down To the Fingertips

Having impeccable hands is the final touch to a sublime outfit and artful makeup!

The first step is to moisturize your hands and your cuticles with a cream. Next, remember to take care of your manicure by pushing back your cuticles and filing your nails before applying nail polish. We recommend a brown nail polish or Thanksgiving themed nail art to perfectly capture the warmth of Thanksgiving Day.

What to Avoid

A word of advice: avoid the glittery, disco ball look and instead focus on highlighting parts of the face. You will want to pass on ultra-designed eyebrows, dark smoky eyes, and glossy red lips in the same evening. At the end of the day, Thanksgiving is about spending time with loved ones, so don’t get caught up on perfection, but enjoy the process.


Whether you are spending Thanksgiving Day with friends or family, you can still stand out with your holiday themed makeup look. With the above makeup ideas and advice, we hope this helps inspire you. For the best mobile makeup services in Las Vegas, NV, call on Beauty Studio Inc Mobile Hair and Makeup. We will have you looking flawless for any holiday party!

3 Effortless Hairstyles for a Halloween Party

The fall season is just around the corner, and it is the season to dress up and prepare yourself for the festivities of Halloween. Halloween brings lights and colors to the rustic vibes of the fall. Are you looking for some costume ideas and effortless hairstyles to go with it? For this trick-or-treat festival, doll yourself up with simple hairstyles that will get you more candy and admiring looks from your peers. We have compiled a list of some great and easy hairstyles that you can do yourself to fit your Halloween costume.

1. Waves of Mermaid

First on our list is the wavey hairstyle of a mermaid cosplay. It is by far the easiest one to whip up in no time. Apply mousse to dampen the hair and use a blow dry to let it set in. Using a hair curler after a while in loose curls will give it a wavy look. Now run your fingers gently to separate the rings and give a spritz of hairspray. Voila! You’ve achieved Ariel’s wavy locks in less than 10 minutes.

Related: “Hair Trends You Can Try This Fall”

2. Genie’s Ponytail

We have all seen Aladdin and his wish-granting Genie. While all the wishes in the world cannot come true, you can actually rock the Genie’s ponytail like a rockstar for your Halloween look. Part your hair horizontally with a comb from the top of one ear to the other. Tie back the bottom half tightly in an elastic. Then, unclip the upper section and gather it into another elastic right above the first one. As a final touch tie, wrap the strand of loose hair around the elastic. This would complete your no-stress Genie’s ponytail.

3. Butterfly Look

Would it be Halloween if you are not accessorizing? Give your hair something to flaunt in. There is no rule in the costume playbook that your hair can’t be the main attraction of your costume. To get the look, separate your hair into a half-up, half-down ponytail and add voluminous curls. Top it off with your favorite butterfly clips scattered evenly throughout and set with shine spray to tame stray hair (butterflies are the only flyaways we want here).

Related: “35 Easy Halloween Hairstyles That Don’t Even Require a Costume”


Deciding on hair accessories, hair color, and hairstyles all become easier with a reliable and experienced team of beauty experts. Here at Beauty Studio Inc Mobile Hair and Makeup, we have a talented team of stylists and makeup artists well suited to help you look fabulous for all your future holiday festivities. Get in touch with us by calling at (725) 735-5046 to schedule an appointment with our professionals.

Prevent Hair Loss with the Right Solutions

A healthy head of hair enhances your appearance and boosts your self-confidence. However, it can be distressing if it begins to thin or fall out. Are you experiencing your hair thinning and want to prevent hair loss while encouraging hair growth? Fret not! To help you understand better, in this blog, we have listed some of the things you can do to prevent and grow back your hair.

Reasons Why Your Hair is Falling Out

Are you seeing more hair loss than normal? This can be due to:

  1. Stress
  2. Hormonal imbalance
  3. Improper hair styling
  4. Too much bleaching and hair coloring
  5. Medications like chemotherapy
  6. Lack of minerals, vitamins, and proteins

The Best Reliable Ways to Stop Hair Loss

Whether you’re a man or a woman, baldness, hair thinning, and graying can affect both your appearance as well as your confidence. So, do you want to stop hair loss and wish to grow luscious and healthy hair? Here are some of the few things you can do.

1. Omega-3

Omega-3 fatty acids are also commonly known as fish oil. It is known for providing essential proteins and nutrients to hair follicles and skin. Not only that, but it also supports your hair health and helps to reduce hair thinning symptoms. Listed below are some of the benefits:

  • It helps trigger hair growth.
  • It even boosts and promotes hair strength.
  • It nourishes hair follicles.
  • It prevents hair follicle inflammation.

2. Vitamins and Proteins

Proper intake of vitamins, minerals, and proteins can help prevent hair loss. Here are the best foods that can provide you with these important nutrients:

  • Biotin (Egg yolks, whole grains, meat)
  • Iron (red meat, grass-fed, leafy greens, legumes)
  • Vitamin A, C, D (Citrus fruits, leafy greens, bell peppers)
  • Zinc (Shellfish, meat, beans, nuts, and seeds)

3. Hair Care

Oiling and washing your hair can also protect against hair loss by keeping the scalp healthy and clean.

  • Try using a shampoo that contains salicylic acid, as it’s good for removing excess scalp buildup.
  • Massage your hair with warm extra-virgin coconut oil or olive oil.

4. Excessive Hairstyling and Coloring Should Be Avoided.

Too many hair styling and chemical treatments, like perms or hair dye, can also damage the hair and scalp. To prevent this, you can ask your stylist about alternatives like organic hair dyes and others. Try using dyes that don’t contain ammonia, peroxide, or para-phenylenediamine (PPD). Furthermore, if you think that your hair is already dry or damaged, then avoid washing it with hot water. Hot water tends to cause more hair loss.


If you are experiencing hair loss and would like to learn more, we invite you to consider scheduling an appointment with our professionals at Beauty Studio Inc Mobile Hair and Makeup. We have all the knowledge and specialize in many hairstyles and hair textures. Find out more by calling (725) 735-5046 or by visiting our website.

5 Tips to Get the Best Fall Wedding Photos

Autumn is the time when you can take great pictures that will delight you and your loved ones for a long time to come. However, planning a wedding in this season comes with such an outstanding aesthetic, bringing in bold colors that are hard to use during any other season. The fall weather surprises us with a variety of colors perfect for cool fall wedding photos.

In this month’s blog, our professional photographers share their advice on how and where to capture the best fall wedding photos.

The Fresh Air

When the hottest months retreat and make way for cooler days, the atmosphere will be full of stunning colors. Play with them in your fall wedding photos, even if they’re not part of your color palette. Take a quick trip to any nearby garden or park for a natural setting for your portraits. The reds, oranges, and golds will add a romantic touch to your photos.

A Town Hall or Old Buildings

At first sight, the idea might seem weird, but think again! The cultural and historical heritage of each city attracts attention with its sophistication and antiquity. So just imagine a portrait that combines the blue sky and colorful leaves with the old architecture. You will see how beautiful and attractive the photo will turn out!

Use an Umbrella

One of the fantastic rainy-day wedding poses is the shared umbrella. This theme will add a distinctive yet luxurious touch to your fall wedding photo session. Simply put, stroll through empty streets with your significant other and choose your perfect poses for taking pictures. To make it more intimate, steal a sweet kiss, just look at how amazing the portrait will be:

Stay Still During Your Photo Session

The last thing you want is to look like you’re freezing rather than striking a natural pose. Be sure to forecast being cold and be prepared for the coldness. It is known that fall weather is cold in the morning, roasting in the afternoon, and freezing at night. Just make sure to hire a professional photographer to capture your moment.

Related: Learn more on how to find your perfect wedding photographer here.

Have Fun

Embrace the rainy day and have fun with your photos, even if it’s raining cats and dogs. Get carried and dance in the rain. It’s your big day! Having a blast in a rainy atmosphere leads to the best, most natural photos. You’ll end up with shots that deserve some space on your walls!


To make sure that no detail of this beautiful season escapes you and to celebrate your big day in the best possible conditions, hire the right photographer. When you need an expert photographer for your wedding, choose Beauty Studio Inc Mobile Hair and Makeup. We specialize in photography, videography, and even bridal make-up and spray tanning. Contact us on our website or at (725) 735-5046.

Is Spray Tanning Safe? – Advantages and Disadvantages

Gone are those days when people used to sit in the sun for several hours just to achieve those perfect golden tans. Spray tanning is a much easier and more affordable option now available for people who love self-tanning. But the question arises: are these tanning sprays safe for the skin? To help you get a better understanding in this article, we will explore some of the main pros and cons of spray tanning.

The Pros of Spray Tanning

Here are some of the main benefits of spray tanning.

  • Quick Results

Spray tanning is the quickest way to achieve that golden pigment on your skin. It reduces the risk of skin cancer from sitting out in the sun for long periods of time. These tanning sprays are easy to apply, and you can adjust their darkness by spraying more or less frequently. The best part is that you don’t need to make a trip to the salon, you can easily use tanning spray in the comfort of your home.

Related: “Spray Tans: Before, During and After”

  • It’s Much Safer Than Sunbathing

Sunbathing is the act of relaxing under the sun with the intent to tan. However, excessive exposure to UV rays can damage and harm the skin and cause several skin problems. Whereas spray tans are the instant solution to get tanned skin. Plus, you can maintain a perfect tan without waiting for hours and baking yourself outside in the sun.   

The Cons of Spray Tanning 

Here are some of the main drawbacks of spray tanning.

  • Short-term Results

Though beautified tanned skin is easy to achieve with the help of these tanning sprays, the color of spray-on tans stays only for a few days and can fade within weeks.

  • Tanning Sprays Are Expensive

Tanning sprays that are clinically proven are more expensive than ordinary tanning creams.

Related: “Goodbye UV Rays, Hello Spray Tan”

  • Health Concerns

No matter how hard you try to hold your breath, you cannot avoid inhaling the tanning spray. Studies have shown that inhaling too much of the spray has caused cancer in several cases.

So…Is Spray Tanning Good or Bad?

Spray tanning is acceptable, but it can increase the risk of several skin problems, including premature aging and skin cancer. Also, we would recommend you should always use superior-quality spray tanning products if you love the way spray tanning makes you feel.

The Bottom Line

Lastly, it’s all up to you to decide whether you want to spray tan or sunbathe. Just make sure to protect yourself because your skin and well-being should be your most important concern. If you need an expert’s opinion, come to Beauty Studio Inc Mobile Hair and Makeup and let our professionals take care of you. Contact us at (725) 735-5046 to book an appointment or for any questions.

Why You Need To Hire a Professional Wedding Videographer

Your wedding day is one of the happiest events that you want to remember forever, so hiring a wedding videographer can be a great option. Capturing your wedding in video is a way to cherish moments that you can look back on for years to come. Following are some reasons why you should hire a professional videographer for your wedding day!

  • It’s the perfect wedding keepsake.

We have seen many creative and beautiful wedding mementos like carved wine glasses, hand written wedding vow books, and much more. However, video footage of the actual wedding day is long lasting and serves as a happy reminder of your special day. You can relive the memories as much as you want to.

  • Video captures words that photographs can’t.

A picture is worth a thousand words but what if you can also capture more than just pictures? From the sincere wedding vows to heartfelt speeches and toasts from your loved ones, it’s all captured. Video footage of everyone’s participation in the celebration of your union with your significant other is documented professionally.

  • You get to relive all the little moments that you might have missed.

The wedding day for the bride and groom is a really hectic and busy day. Even on your special day, you can’t be everywhere, so a video film will ensure that all the moments are captured for you to watch later in the future and laugh together with your loved one. You will get to relive your first look, sweet getting ready moments with your crew, and all of the epic dance moves on the dance floor.

  • It will serve as a valuable memento that can be passed on.

A well-documented video film of your wedding day can be a family heirloom for future generations to see and witness the love that you shared with your partner. A video can truly tell your love story for generations to come.


When you want to ensure that your special day or event is professionally captured, we recommend videographer services from Beauty Studio Inc. Mobile Hair and Makeup. We are an exclusive glamour studio for hair, makeup, photography, videography services, and much more. Book our in studio or mobile services for your next event!

5 Beach Hairstyles That You Can Totally Rock This Summer

With the summer and rising temperatures, your favorite destination will definitely be the seaside. It is a season full of fun, relaxation, and vacation time. However, it is important for women to choose hairstyles that suit them best in the summer beach weather. But you have to adopt modern and different hairstyles to appear distinctive and protect your hair from damage. In this month’s blog, we will present to you a set of easy hairstyles that you can wear to the beach.  

Head Scarf Hairstyle

You can add a headscarf with your summer hairstyle to add a distinctive touch in different ways. It can be worn in a variety of ways including with loose hair, braids, ponytails, or even a hair bun. It’s chic, super simple to do, and will help protect your locks from sun damage and color fading. You’ll literally be pretty as a picture.

Double Buns Hairstyle

You may definitely be tired of the one bun hairstyle, so why not try the two-bun hairstyle? This double bun hairstyle is gorgeous and perfect for showing off your feminine sense and is a different look that suits your summer style, especially at beach or pool picnics.

Ponytail Braid Hairstyle

Who doesn’t love a ponytail? This sleek braided ponytail hairstyle is everywhere, and for good reason. It offers an amazing stylish look perfect for everything style from summer wear to elegant ensembles. You can try this hairstyle at home if you are equipped with the right tools or show your stylist the picture below for reference at your next appointment.

Related: learn more about the necessary tools that every woman should have at her dressing table here.

Hair Clip Hairstyle

Since hair clips are in fashion this season, you should definitely try them out. It is suitable for summer hairstyles and is both practical and totally cute for a day at the beach. While hairclips are simple accessories on their own, they can be used in a wide variety of ways to compliment your look. We recommend trying out different colors while matching your outfit!  

Double French braids

If you are looking for a hairstyle with a fun and cute touch that suits the summer, you should try the double braid hairstyle. Double French braids are super cute and have been trendy lately! You’ll love the way your hair will be in place and neatly off your face and neck, making it a perfect hairstyle for the summer weather.


Some consider a hairstyle unnecessary while swimming. But if you are looking for excellence, you can style your hair in a striking way that’s suitable for the sea and will stay in place, even if your hair gets wet. If you’re considering sprucing up your look this summer, rely on the professionals at Beauty Studio Inc Mobile Hair and Makeup. We specialize in many hairstyles and hair textures. Find out more by calling (725) 735-5046 or by visiting our website.

Top 3 Monsoon Makeup Tips To Consider Right Now

Are you stressing about how to head out with a full face of makeup during monsoon season? Stress not! Our tried and tested monsoon makeup tips and hacks will help carry your makeup look perfectly. To help and guide you, we have compiled some tips that will help you get monsoon ready.

The Best Monsoon-Proof Makeup Tips:

  1. Try using as minimal makeup as possible in the monsoon. 
  2. Consider using more matte makeup products. It will give flattering finish and will turn out great for rainy days.
  3. When it comes to makeup looks in the monsoon, primers are a great option for this season. 
  4. Instead of applying powder blush, go for a cream blush, as it will blend in easily with your matte makeup.

Related: “Sweat-Proof Your Makeup!”

Quick Hacks for Monsoon Makeup 

These are some of the best hacks that you can use to slay your makeup on rainy days.

A person with the hands on the face

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Hack #1 – Prep Your Face 

If you want to keep your makeup in place, then make sure you prep your face nicely. Use a good quality cleanser to clean your face. Right after you’re done with cleansing, use a moisturizer before you start applying makeup. This will keep your makeup in place during the monsoon weather for a long period of time.

Hack #2 – Say No to Liquid Foundation

Liquid foundation can leave your face looking cakey and artificial. Therefore, avoid using it and go for a mattifying base or powder. A mattifying powder will help you achieve the perfect makeup finish and will soak up excess oil from your skin. So, if you want to make your skin look clear and glowing in monsoon weather, consider this hack.

Hack #3 – Use a Setting Spray

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If you want your makeup to last a long time, then setting spray is the best choice to spray on after makeup. It will help your makeup stay in place for a perfect rainy or humid day.


Monsoons can be tough to handle for the perfect makeup look, but you can still look your absolute best! Let the professionals take care of your skincare and makeup needs while you take a backseat and enjoy a brilliant new look. Beauty Studio Inc Mobile Hair and Makeup is a professional beauty salon that offers multiple services like hair styling, makeup application, spray tanning, and event photography for personal or corporate events. Check out our website or give us a call at (725) 735-5046 to schedule an appointment with us!

The Only Way to Get a Safe Tan This Summer

A person wearing a straw hat

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The summer is upon us. We have already entered the best phase of pool parties, evening barbeques, slow and relaxing tea times, and lounging out on the beach side. It is a popular trend to go tanning every summer and this year is no different. If you are planning to go tan this summer, we have compiled a couple of tips for you to get a safe tan.

Tip #1: Don’t be stingy with sunscreen.

This is by far the most important tip you should remember any time you go tanning under the sun. It doesn’t matter what tone your skin is or how easily you get burns, sunscreen is going to be your new best friend. It is recommended that a sunscreen with SPF 50 is good enough for your tanning session. Lather up on sunscreen to protect yourself from the harmful UV rays of the sun.

Tip #2: Keep hydrating yourself during your session under the sun.

We cannot emphasize enough the importance of keeping yourself hydrated. Drink lots of water to avoid dehydration and severe headaches later. Prioritizing hydration will reap long term benefits as well. Your skin will stay hydrated instead of drying out because of continued exposure to the sunlight.

Tip #3: Exfoliate before applying sunscreen and change angles.

Exfoliate before you apply sunscreen as it will remove all the dead skin cells and open up your skin pores. The sunscreen will then easily settle into the clean pores and protect your skin more effectively against harmful UV rays. It will also help you tan evenly.

Don’t sit or lay in one position for too long. Change your positions often so each side gets an equal and healthy amount of sunlight. Staying in one pose is a disaster recipe for bad skin burns and uneven tan lines.

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If tanning under the sun is not your thing, yet still you want to get that bronzed complexion, we offer high quality artificial tanning services without the dangerous effects of UV rays. Let the professionals take care of your skincare and makeup needs while you take a backseat and enjoy a brilliant new look. Beauty Studio Inc Mobile Hair and Makeup is a professional beauty salon that offers multiple services like hairstyling, makeup application, spray tanning, and even photography for personal or corporate events. Check out our website or give us a call at (725) 735-5046 to schedule an appointment with us!    

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